Tag: Raglan

A Quiet Thursday Night in Raglan
A quiet Thursday night in Raglan. I’m out on my bike enjoying the beautiful sunset after a surf at the beach. Fiery orange over Mount Karioi. Subtle purples, pinks and peaches over the inner harbour. The moon’s reflection on the near-full tide being broken as small fish leap escaping bigger […]

Campgrounds in Raglan
We’ve been asked a couple of times where’s good to camp in Raglan. To save re-typing it, here’s a summary: There’s four campgrounds in Raglan. They are: [singlepic id=116 w=150] Raglan Kopua Holiday Park. This is near town & family oriented. Facilities are clean and well maintained. Just behind it, […]

Front Page of Raglan Chronicle
We have made the front-page of our local newspaper! We are absolutely made up, its brilliant! [singlepic id=109 w=450 float=center] You can read the article here

“So tell me: How do those boards fit?”
We’ve been making a fuss of our board straps but sometimes its hard describing something. A picture tells a thousand words but even that doesn’t seem enough. So here’s a sweet video of them in use: Or, if you prefer the old amateur version, complete with whiter-than-white legs here it […]

Sunsets and Swell
Spring in New Zealand has officially sprung (as of 1st September), the days are now longer than the nights (as of the Equinox on 22nd September), and the clocks have gone forward (as of 25th September) which all mean that summer is just around the corner! We were treated to […]