Tag: Rental

Mount Maunganui Stopover
The PiwiWiwi crew had a couple of reasons to head over to Mount Maunganui: Niall had promised more help with the ‘Rena’ oilspill cleanup; we had a car to collect and Anna hadn’t left Raglan for a week or so & needed a break. We’d heard a lot about ‘The […]

Front Page of Raglan Chronicle
We have made the front-page of our local newspaper! We are absolutely made up, its brilliant! [singlepic id=109 w=450 float=center] You can read the article here

“So tell me: How do those boards fit?”
We’ve been making a fuss of our board straps but sometimes its hard describing something. A picture tells a thousand words but even that doesn’t seem enough. So here’s a sweet video of them in use: Or, if you prefer the old amateur version, complete with whiter-than-white legs here it […]